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My Creative Process

Throughout the project, I struggled with actually coming up with concepts. I found myself overwhelmed with the freedom of choice. It felt like there were too many avenues to choose from. Because of this I lost motivation to work on my project and found myself pushing off doing the work because it felt like too much effort. However, in class we discussed a strategy where we set restrictions on our ideas to  help us come up with concepts. Throughout my Capstone I found this to be a reliable way to come up with creative ideas. It helped make the freedom I was given less expansive and would serve as an unofficial guide (Knecht, 2018). An example of this was when I was trying to come up with my outfits for my dolls. I could not think of anything, and there were too many sources of inspiration to draw from. So I set myself a limit of only using outfits from movies that included stereotypical outfits of East Asian women, an example being Lucy Liu's character from Kill Bill. 

Knecht, Reed. “Restriction in Design.” Medium, Prototypr, 14 Jan. 2018,

asam320sallybang, Author. “Lucy Liu.” Asian Women Stereotypes in Film and Shows, 30 Oct. 2017,

Creative Process: About
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